*Peggin’ Pages

I’m very happy to share with you some of the patterns of the projects that have been so popular during my years of teaching classes on loom knitting, as well as brand new ones, hot off the loom!

Please head to the Gettin’ It Pegged! Pattern Shop at Artfire where all my loomy goodness can be found in one place: Peggin’ Pages Patterns as well as Gettin’ It Pegged Gear, accessories & sportswear for the loomy at heart!  🙂
Visit gettinitpegged’s ArtFire Shop!

The idea: Every so often there will be a newly released project for you to have fun with added to the shop pages. You will also find a “book cover and notes” file to download and print at the bottom of this page, so that you can begin collecting all your new Peggin’ Pages into one place. You will be creating a custom book, with the patterns of your choosing, made just for you!

Twisted Stitches Page: As this page is building, there will be added tutorials & videos that contain instructions on items of the patterns that you might need a little help on. The plan is that when these tutorials are available for a certain part of your pattern, there will be a symbol on the page noting so, as well as a note where the pattern can be found. Of course if you have specific questions, or you find you need additional help, email me directly at: Bethany@GettinItPegged.com

Most of the Peggin’ Pages patterns are developed using the Knifty Knitter Loom Kits (unless otherwise noted), but can be transferred to other looms of similar gauge and size, if you prefer. Because of the nature of the product, all sales will be non-refundable…but, you can rest assured that quite a bit of thought and planning goes into each pattern to make sure of it’s accuracy and simplicity. Updates will be made available if by chance any edits need to be made.

Download your Peggin’ Pages Book Cover & Notes here!

**Got questions? Feel free to contact me at Bethany@GettinItPegged.com

73 Responses to *Peggin’ Pages

  1. Pingback: New on Peggin’ Pages! Felted Easter Basket/Bag~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  2. Christy says:

    I purchased your spa kit pattern and total love it. However, I don’t quite understand how to do the bag. I was wondering if you could contact me, it would be much appriciated. Thank!

  3. Pingback: Booties on Peggin’ Pages! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  4. Pingback: Peggin’ Pages Moving Sale! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  5. loomydaze says:


    Thanks for the great sale. I have purchased 4 of your patterns and can’t wait to get started on them. I sure wish I had more time in the day to get all the patterns I want to do done.


  6. gettinitpegged says:

    Christy, I’m sorry, I don’t seem to be able to find your email address. 😛 I’d love to help, if you could just email me at:

  7. Pingback: Peggin’ Pages Update! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  8. Pingback: Our First “Countdown at the Clique” Class! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  9. Pingback: Clique Class Announcement! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  10. Pingback: Three Projects Finished! :D « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  11. Dianne says:

    Bethany, your patterns are so freshly different, practical and just downright beautiful. You are a great designer. I have bought 4 of your projects also and look forward to buying many more.

  12. Dianne says:

    Make that 5 projects I have bought, just saw the felted CD holder and can think of 3 people I need to make this for.

  13. Marianita Milton says:

    I just bought 2 patterns. Will they be mailed to me or are they downloadable? Peace, Marianita

  14. Pingback: Pumpkins and Mittens~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  15. Pingback: Updated Clique Pics! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  16. Pingback: ‘Lil Tykies! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  17. sharon says:

    just purchased 2 patterns:lil tykies another of bethany’s booties and the loom knitted lil mary janes. will they be emailed to me or sent in mail? can’t wait to get started on them, new grand daughter to knit for!!

  18. Pingback: Looking for a great deal? « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  19. Marcella says:

    Love your patterns now if I can find my shopping cart I will check out.
    Keep up the good work and she is beautiful.

  20. Pingback: …and the WINNERS are: « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  21. Pingback: Meeting Blake~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  22. Pingback: *New: Looming with Beads! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  23. Pingback: Last day for the February LAL « Guppygirl

  24. Pingback: Bootilicious Fun~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  25. Pingback: New Addition to Peggin’ Pages :) « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  26. Marion says:

    How do I join your group? I am interested in learning the Kniffty Knitter and not just making hats. Love the fingerless gloves.
    Thanks, Marion

  27. Pingback: *New Freebie! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  28. Pingback: Newest Clique Pics! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  29. Pingback: Finished Items Friday! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  30. Pingback: New Additions to Peggin’ Pages! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  31. Damaris Ogwayo says:

    Am amazed, they are so wonderful

  32. Pingback: Bethany’s Baby Booties~Expanded 3/20 « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  33. Pingback: Tip for Tuesday~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  34. Diane Mason says:

    Are you selling the pattern for the cute Bethany’s baby booties? Please let me know. Thank you.


  35. gettinitpegged says:

    Hi, Diane!


    I’ve tried to reach you before, but I have trouble getting through to your email. :P? You’re almost to the booties!? Just scroll up on this very page (Peggin’ Pages), find the booties, and press the button that says “add to cart” and then just follow the instructions…easy-peasy! 🙂


  36. Pingback: …another idea! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  37. Pingback: Part One of the “Mystery Project” Unveiled! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  38. gettinitpegged says:

    …test… 😉

  39. Susan says:

    Have you tried the Heather Rose Wrister pattern on the Knifty Knitter looms? I love it but only have those looms.

  40. gettinitpegged says:

    Hello, Susan! 🙂

    Due to the pattern gauge of the Heather Rose Wristers, this project needs to be done on a fine gauge loom specifically. BUT!: the Girl Gauntlets pattern is created for the blue round Knifty Knitter loom, and you could combine the 2 type of wrist warmers by utilizing features of both…for example, using the GG pattern, you could go with the correct proportions for the KK loom, use the decorative wrist/thumb edging, and all the same row/stitch numbers…combine this with the stitch texture, and ONE line of cables (there would really only be room enough for the one cable on the KK gauge) of the Heather Rose project, and you’ve got yourself a very doable likeness of the one, but suited for the larger gauge loom! 🙂 How’s that sound? It would take a bit of ingenuity, but it’s a very doable scenario! 😉

    Happy Looming!

  41. Hello Bethany
    I live in th Uk and was talking to a lady at the weekend who runs a craft group and them are doing Looming. She said they were all enjoying it and I thought that sounds like a change from knitting & crochet so I looked it up on the internet and found you. I am going to see what I can find, this lady said her husband had made her a peg board. What size I wondered, where do I start? I am sure when my grandaughters were young we had a round loom but thats all you could make, sock like things.
    I would be grateful of some tips on where to start etc.
    Many thanks, Lesley

  42. Lisa Lucas says:

    I ordered 6 patterns last night and was not able to download them due to a problem with your web site. Please let me know how I can obtain them.

    Thanks for your help,

  43. gettinitpegged says:

    Sorry about that, Lisa! I think there was a problem with your transaction email…but you should be all set now…Enjoy! 😀

  44. gettinitpegged says:

    Hi Lesley! 🙂 I’m so excited that you’re interested in trying out loom knitting! I’ve sent you an email filled with all kinds of great links to get you started on your new quest… hope you enjoy & Happy Looming!

  45. Cherrel says:

    I just bought the Knifty Knitter yesterday so I was searching for patterns and stumbled on your site. WOW!!
    You have great patterns, I can’t wait to try some.
    What would you recommend as a good beginner project?
    Also, do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?

  46. gettinitpegged says:

    Hello, Cherrel! 🙂

    I’m so happy you stumbled upon my little online world! …and that you’ve newly discovered how awesome loom knitting can be…there’s so much that can be created with these simple little tools.

    I don’t have a newsletter, but you can subscribe to the blog when you post a comment…there’s a little box that you can check in the comments section that will notify you of newly release posts. 😉

    Also, I have a Yahoo Chat Group here: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GettinItPegged/

    As for beginner patterns, many of the ones on the Freebies page of my blog are great for new loomy adventurers, the most popular being the Mittens pattern. The patterns in the Peggin’ Pages I would recommend for starters would be any of the following: Plush Poncho, Back 2 School Poncho, My Stuff Bag, Felted Rosette Bag, Felted Pumpkins, Girl Gauntlets (when you have a little experience with the knit and purl stitches), Chill Chaser Cap, Sports Cap, Chunky Slipper Socks, Looming with Beads, and the Felted CD Carrier. There! That should keep you busy for a while, lol! 😉

    I hope you’ll enjoy looking around and experimenting with all that is available…and once again, WELCOME! 😀

  47. Pingback: …another Whimsy with a bit more~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  48. Pingback: A New Clique Pic! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  49. Pingback: SpRiNg SaLe!!! « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  50. Karen Mokas says:

    Hi, I just purchased the girl gauntlet pattern and the download didn’t work. Help

  51. gettinitpegged says:

    Sorry you’re having difficulty, Karen…I tried the link and it seemed a tad slow, but did open up. I’ve sent you a private email with the pattern attached so that you won’t have to worry about the download link not working for you, K? 🙂


  52. Pingback: Easter Fun~ « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  53. Cherrel says:

    WOOHOO!!! Took advantage of the sale and bought 4 patterns.
    I got the Looming with beads
    and girl gauntlets
    and the braided cables bag
    and the chunky slipper socks

    Thanks Bethany

    PS What loom am I to use on the gauntlets and what is the “Fine Guage” method?


  54. gettinitpegged says:

    Hey, Cherrel! 🙂 I’m so glad you were able to take advantage of the Spring Sale…and you made some excellent choices!

    On the Girl Gauntlets, I used the blue round KK loom. The “fine gauge” method is just an early term for using the knit and purl stitches, rather than the Ewrap technique. This pattern was published before I was involved in a lot of online looming terminology and used my own way of getting the point across to my local loom knitting students. It was the best way I knew at the time to differentiate between the larger gauge of EW and the finer gauge of the knit stitch. 😉

    Hope that helps get you going…Happy Looming!


  55. Pingback: SpRiNg SaLe ExTeNdEd! :) « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  56. Becca says:

    Hey Bethany~

    Just wanted to leave you a message and let you know how much I like the tote bags I got from your Artfire shop! I ordered one for my sister as a college graduation present, and just had to order another one for me! Shipping was very fast, which is great, because I was very impatient to get them! My sister said she would’ve graduated faster if she had known she was getting such a cute tote! I’ve used mine daily since it came to bring knitting to and from work, and even non loomers are envious! Keep up the good work!


  57. gettinitpegged says:

    Thank you so much, Becca, for your super kind words and encouragement!! I’m really very ecstatically happy that you and your sister are enjoying your baggies! Hugs to you for being such a great loomy friend. 😀

  58. Pingback: Patterns: new and “new to here” « Gettin’ It Pegged…Loom Knitter’s Clique

  59. Pingback: What’s on the Loom? « Brista Creations

  60. Pingback: Change in Looming Plans « Brista Creations

  61. Karissa says:

    I’m interested in purchasing the chunky slipper socks pattern, but just wanted to check – what loom is required?

  62. gettinitpegged says:

    Hi, Karissa! 🙂

    I used the blue round Knifty Knitter. Any comparable gauge loom with the ability to knit in the round with 24 pegs will work nicely. 😉

    Love those slipper socks! Have fun making them! Bethany~

  63. Okay, I am officially addicted to your patterns. I just ordered 3 more. This is becoming an obession. Thank you for all your creativity. Keep it up and I look forward to your book.

  64. Karissa says:

    Just wanted to let you know I am really having fun with the slipper socks. I am almost finished with the first one. The instructions are great, easy to understand.

  65. gettinitpegged says:

    Karissa , I’m so excited that you’re having fun with the Chunky Slipper Socks… that’s what it’s all about, right? 😀 I’d love to see a pic when you’re all done…they would be a perfect addition to the Clique Pics Page!

    Happy Looming! Bethany~

  66. Pingback: Button Winners! :) | Gettin' It Pegged…Loom Knitter's Clique

  67. Pingback: Wrapping up a great year :) | Gettin' It Pegged…Loom Knitter's Clique

  68. Pingback: Fresh for Spring Pattern & Sale! :) | Gettin' It Pegged…Loom Knitter's Clique

  69. Jo Ann Harden says:

    Just received my fine gauge loom and ready to make some Bethany Booties–I have 2 questions:
    1. At the beginning on row 1, the instruction says: Do not slip stitch turning pegs throughout pattern–does this mean that we should not do a stitch on the end pegs? am confused–doesn’t take much sometimes to get there…
    2. I am so anal at times–could you tell me what row numbers that you changed to a different color yarn?
    P.S. I am so in love with this pattern–when I was trying to figure out how to contact you I found the high-top booties pattern–got to pause and stop though–can’t buy yet–need to get this pattern down first–thank you for all you hard work and for sharing this work with others!!! Bless you!!!

  70. gettinitpegged says:

    Hi Jo Ann! 🙂 How exciting you’re going to be embarking on Bethany’s Booties! You’re going to just love them. I’m going to drop you a private email to answer your questions in more dept. ttys!


  71. Donna Cleveland says:

    Hi. Just happened upon your site tonight, for the first time. Have a couple questions for you, if you don’t mind. I belong to a group of ladies that get together twice a month to knit for various charities.We have some new ladies that don’t knit or crochet and have bought the looms and are tired of making just the hats. Most of them are elderly and don’t have computers.My computer is not formatted to download.Is there a way you could possibly mail patterns to us?Most are beginners so they would need simple patterns.Thank You in advance!

  72. Terry tuttle says:

    No. I’m just technically challenged. I lost it attempting to get my iPad ready to try and print from my wireless printer. Yes, I need the pattern. Hoping you wouldn’t notice that. Due to the fact I’m not to fast until I learn exactly what I’m doing on this pattern. I did not want to mess up. But, o’well. Thank you, Terry.

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