Mr. Wobbles Penguin wants to come live with you!

I’m fairly positive that you’ve heard the news by now that the Loom Knitter’s Circle E-zine has made an official re-launch for its Winter 2012 issue…can we hear a collective “Yay!”?  This very informative, entertaining, project-filled publication has been sorely missed over the last year that it has not been in circulation.  Well…it’s now back and better than ever! 😀  There are some amazing projects included, involving lace and mitts and sweaters, oh my!  Even a brand new comic strip feature by my very own girlie, Megan!  I’m so thrilled and bursting with pride for her rapidly expanding artistic abilities, as well as her quirky sense of humor, which shines in all the expressive faces and situations in which her funny little characters find themselves. 🙂  You truly must check it out and leave a comment to help encourage her to keep ’em coming, lol!

One of the projects included in this issue is my very own Mr. Wobbles Penguin.  Isn’t he just the cutest thing?  I simply love him!  I find that I have been having a terrific time lately bringing fun amigurumi-type personalities to life.  🙂  First we had Koby the Striped Kitty, the Silly Sidewinder Snake, and the Crazy Caterpillar (all featured in Loom Knitting for Little People)…now we’ll be having fun with this cold weather companion…this sweet little fuzzy-flippered guy.

Mr. Wobbles was created using the new Luxe Fur Yarn by Lion Brand.  This is a type of chenille yarn, but let me tell you, it’s much easier to work with than the usual variety.  This yarn seems stronger than most chenille yarns (but still be careful, as it will break if pulled on too hard!), and it doesn’t have the usual shedding issues that normally happens when working with chenille.  Both off these are big pluses in my book! 🙂  The fur itself is not quite as velvety as a chenille, most likely from it’s 48% wool content (which is awesome!), but is just the perfect thing for making the body of our penguin and is still oh-so soft and pet-able.

The flippers, beak and feet of Mr. Wobbles were created with one of my favorite go-to crafting yarns, Vanna’s Choice.  Just a little FYI: if you’d like to make the flippers in the fuzzy Luxe Fur Yarn, you’ll actually need to purchase 2 skeins of the darker color, as there just isn’t enough in one skein to squeak out the two flippers as well as the body. 😉

Exciting News!  We’re going to be hosting some loom-alongs around the web during the month of February to help you make your own Mr. Wobbles…he’s just dying to come and live with you!  Here are the places you can join in and loom along with us:

Gettin’ It Pegged Yahoo Chat Clique

Ravelry Loom Knitter’s Circle Group

Facebook Loom Knitter’s Circle Group

The complete pattern for Mr. Wobbles Penguin can be found at the Loom Knitter’s Circle, which will be posted online until the new issue is released in the Spring.  Be sure to purchase the PDF version, so that you’ll have all that great information all for your very own…it’s perfect for printing out the patterns you’ll be currently working on, as well.

Here are the materials you will need for the project:

Knitting Loom: 

The Martha Stewart Crafts Knit and Weave Loom was used for the sample. The sections which create a “D” shape of 26 large gauge pegs were used, while skipping every other hole.

To create this penguin on a similar loom, you would need a large gauge loom of at least 26 pegs. The Knifty Knitter pink or yellow long looms, with added loom clips, are recommended as alternatives.


44 yards each of Super Bulky #6 in two penguin colors; Luxe Fur by Lion Brand in charcoal and ivory were used in sample.

Approx 75 yards of Worsted Weight #4 in feet/beak color; approx 1/2 skein of Vanna’s Choice by Lion Brand in mustard was used in sample.

Approx 20 yards of Worsted Weight #4 in flipper color; approx 1/8th skein of Vanna’s Choice by Lion Brand in dark grey heather was used in sample.


Tapestry Needle, Knitting Tool, Crochet Hook, Knitting Marking Pins, Fiberfill Stuffing, Queen Size Pantyhose/Stockings, Two ½” Button Eyes.

Hope you can join us!


About gettinitpegged

Whipping up whimsy with looms & string! :)
This entry was posted in Amigurumi, Classes, Crafting, Dailey Occurrances, Free Loom Patterns, Knitting, Loom Alongs, Loom Knitter's Chat Clique, Loom Knitting, Loom Knitting for Little People, Looming Patterns, My Favorites, New Projects, Pets, Ravelry and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Mr. Wobbles Penguin wants to come live with you!

  1. How fun! Looking forward to doing this with you 🙂

  2. Mr Wobbles is so very cute 🙂 Hugs!

  3. Pat Hathaway says:

    He’s just adorable!!! I am a little out of commission until I have some minor hand surgery next week so I will have to save the pattern to do later. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

  4. Treasa Headings says:

    I think Mr Webb is so cute I would like to have the pattern, but I don’t have a computer. I all so would like to oder the magazine but I don’t know where to order it at. Thanks Treasa

  5. gettinitpegged says:

    Hi Treasa! 🙂 You can order the magazine through the links in the post above…or right here:


  6. Stacy Jozwiak says:

    Can’t wait to do this LAL! Excited to make this for my little stinker!

  7. Brenda GA says:

    “Wuv the Wobbles”, Bethany! We are hoping that you’ll add the loom-a-long to LoomClass, too!

  8. Brandyce P. says:

    Hi Bethany,

    Everytime I see this penguin it makes me smile. I still can’t believe you made this on the loom, it’s really amazing; I can’t wait to see what other great items you make in the future!
    Best wishes!

  9. Pingback: I’m still here! ;) | Gettin' It Pegged…Loom Knitter's Clique

  10. gettinitpegged says:

    Brandyce, I’m so thrilled that you like him…he definitely makes me smile whenever I see him too. 🙂 The ideas are pretty much always churning in my noggin’ for new projects, so I hope you’ll keep checking back for more new inspirations!

    Best wishes right back atcha! 😀

  11. Stacy Jozwiak says:

    Hope it’s okay, I linked up to this post on my blog about Mr. Wobbles. Is that okay to do? I’m a new blogger and have no idea the etiquette on this stuff!

  12. gettinitpegged says:

    Sure, Stacy! I think it’s excellent that we’re sharing links…keeps all us loomers in the loop, lol! 🙂


  13. Pingback: The penguins have hatched! | Gettin' It Pegged…Loom Knitter's Clique

  14. Pingback: LKC and my little Chickie-Dee! « Guppygirl

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